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Bird Watching

Bird Watching

Uganda one of the best countries in the world to watch birds. The wide range of habitats produces a bird list of over 1,000 species and, at different times. The country is home to a variety of migrant species. There are countless birding locations around Uganda such as national parks. Important Birding Areas,  Albertine Rift Valley, lakes and swamps, forests, savanna grassland, woodland, mountains and rivers. If you are targeting specific birds, we will be happy to offer advice.  Our birding safaris are fully escorted by professional bird guides and site guides. Who will ensure that you get the best out of your birding tour.

Uganda’s year round conducive climate, abundant water sources and diverse vegetation cover make it one of the best birding destinations in Africa. Hence vast species of birds fly in from around the world throughout the year and about 1,080 bird species have been recorded. Bird watching can be done in Uganda’s many National Parks and forests as well as during boat rides where birds can be seen by the banks of various water bodies in the country. Our birding safaris in Uganda are well planned to give birding enthusiasts a memorable bird watching experience in Uganda.

Here are our 10 best birding spots in Uganda.

Located on the edge of Lake Victoria, Mabamba Bay Wetland is one of few places where the rare Shoebill Stork can be found. Sighting the Shoebill Stork at Mabamba Bay Wetland will make your Uganda birding safari all the more exciting. Mabamba’s proximity to Lake Victoria provides the perfect conditions for birds. Especially those that like to live near water.

Meanwhile, a canoe rode through Mabamba Bay Wetland is a great way to explore the abundant bird species for instance the Shoebill Stork, Malachite Kingfisher, Swamp Flycatcher, Pied Kingfisher, Papyrus Gonolex, Black-headed Heron, African Open-billed Stork, Black Kite, African Marsh Harrier among many others. However,  Mabamba Bay Wetland is one of the Best Birding Spots in Uganda.

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