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Why Visit Queen Elizabeth National Park

Why Visit Queen Elizabeth National Park

West of Uganda’s capital nestles the remarkable why to visit Queen Elizabeth National Park. Named after the British monarch, the golden grasslands and pristine landscapes of this park. Connect several regions and two lakes (George and Edward), with the scenic Kazinga channel which runs through it. Whether explored on a leisurely river cruise or in a safari vehicle. The Park is every tourist’s dream destination. Comprising of four of the Big Five (lions, elephants, buffaloes and leopards).

This is also one of the few places in the world known for residing the unique tree-climbing lions. Chimpanzees  also tracked all year round in the Park. Although they are easier to track in the dry season. The migratory birds visit during the wet season.


Located in the Western Region of Uganda, why visit Queen Elizabeth National Park occupies 1,978 square kilometers and spans the equator. The park extends from Lake George in the north-east to Lake Edward in the south-west and includes the Kazinga Channel connecting the two lakes.


Most people arrive in Uganda at Entebbe International Airport in the capital city of Kampala. The drive from the airport to the Park will take seven to eight hours. Most visitors interested in a safari here will hire a tour company that can pick them up in Kampala and provide all transportation, lodging, and game drives.

The Kazinga Channel;

The Kazinga channel is definitely the major attraction in the Park. So many tourists go to Queen specifically because of the beautiful Kazinga Channel that attracts so many wildlife species such as buffaloes, elephants, hippos, crocodiles, among others that are always seen lazing along the shorelines. Boat cruises are conducted on the channel and it is through them (boat cruises) that you can best explore the Kazinga channel, reaching every touristic end of it – granting you a memorable opportunity of spotting so many wildlife species and bird species.