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Mpogo Safari Lodge

Mpogo Safari Lodge

Mpogo Safari Lodge offers an unforgettable escape into the wild. Surrounded by the sights and sounds of the African bush, guests are invited to reconnect with themselves and the world around them in a setting of unmatched beauty. Offering an unparalleled experience of comfort and adventure, this lodge is a sanctuary where travelers can immerse themselves in the beauty of nature while indulging in the finest hospitality.

Mpogo Safari Lodge is a peaceful and exclusive facility conveniently located on top of a hill, in the outcasts of Lake Mburo National Park, western Uganda. We welcome you to visit and taste the best of cultural tourism and the National Park. Our 16-room facility offers midrange accommodation at affordable prices. Originally our humble farmhouse, the need to make good use of the animals from Lake Mburo national park that paid us a visit every day, Zebras, Buffaloes, Antelopes, and occasionally the odd hyena coming to the salt well. Alas, the idea was born. With a fully equipped kitchen, traditional huts, and camping grounds for your camping needs Mpogo Lodge offers the best of both the cultural and modern world.


Mpogo Lodge has two very private luxurious grass thatched cottages with two rooms each. The lodge offers a range of accommodation options, from spacious safari tents to cozy cottages, each meticulously designed to ensure comfort and tranquility. Wake up to the sound of birdsong and the sight of grazing antelopes just outside your window, before embarking on a day of adventure in the park.


After a day of exploration, guests can unwind and savor the flavors of Uganda at Mpogo Safari Lodge’s restaurant. Indulge in a mouthwatering selection of local and international dishes, prepared with the freshest ingredients sourced from the surrounding area. Whether dining al fresco under the stars or cozying up by the fireplace, every meal at the lodge is a culinary journey to remember.

Game drives

The park is home to 69 mammal species among which are Antelopes, Common Duiker, Defassa Waterbuck, Impalas, Buffalos, Bush pigs, Giraffes, Eland, and Zebras. You may explore the wild by hiking, on horseback a safari option only offered at Lake Mburo, bike riding through the rocky rough terrain or a day or nocturnal game drive. The beauty about the variety of means available to explore wildlife at this park, is that the adventure is not only in what you see but also how you see it. The biking safari is a challenging thrill for the cyclists because of the uneven terrain and the horse back safari is a welcome break from the sound of running engines.

A boat ride

Crocodiles crawling into the water, hippos dunking themselves in the lake to escape the heat at high noon, zebras, antelopes, and buffaloes coming for refreshment during the dry season are sights that await you while on a boat ride. Being up close with these animals in their habitat is one of the best experiences a boat ride can give.

Horseback Riding

Horseback riding is a very ancient form of people travelling on the back of a horse. It involves tourists exploring the park on horseback. You will get a chance to ride on trials, discover beautiful landscapes in the park and view a wide variety of wildlife roaming the park’s savannah grasslands.


There are 5 lakes in total but Lake Mburo is the largest of them all. A safari to this lake-filled national park would be incomplete without a fishing expedition or experience. Mazinga has been set aside as the designated fishing spot because it is crocodile and hippo free. For one enthusiastic about sports fishing, it can be done here albeit with a license. The tilapia is a local favorite and one likely to be your catch among the 6 fish species in the lake. You could have your tilapia prepared for you at your place of residence while at the park.