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+256 704347452 info@paradiseadventurevacations.com

Kibale Forest Camp

Kibale Forest Camp

Kibale Forest Camp is more than just a place to stay. It’s an interesting experience in the heart of one of Africa’s most bio diverse ecosystems. Surrounded by towering trees, vibrant flora, and a symphony of wildlife sounds. Guests enveloped in the serenity of nature from the moment they arrive. Whether you’re lounging in your safari tent, every moment at Kibale Forest Camp is a chance to reconnect with the natural world. This charming eco-lodge offers a unique opportunity. To immerse oneself in the breathtaking beauty and biodiversity of one of Africa’s most remarkable rainforests.

The camp committed to minimizing its environmental impact and supporting the conservation of Kibale Forest National Park and its inhabitants. From eco-friendly practices such as solar power and waste management to community outreach and education initiatives, Kibale Forest Camp dedicated to preserving Uganda’s natural heritage for future generations to enjoy.

Our elegant tented camp is located in a patch of evergreen forest, just outside the southern part of Kibale Forest National Park. It borders the Magombe swamp, known for the Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary and is a mere 10 min drive to Kanyanchu Visitor Center, the place from where your chimp track will start.



Kibale Forest Camp consists of 12 African safari style tents, comfortably furnished with twin or double beds. Each unit has its own private ensuite bathroom with a flush toilet, a dressing room and a hot water shower. Seated from your private veranda, the red or black and white colobus  often  observed in the dense camp surroundings.

Kibale Forest Camp offers an alternative accommodation in the form of 9 non-self-contained tents. Furnished with comfortable beds, a bedside table and a power outlet for charging your electrical equipment. All tents placed under a grass thatched roof. The tents share a communal ablution block with showers and flushing toilets. No need to worry about linen as all bedding and towels are provided.



Our bar and restaurant  situated in a beautiful wooden grass-thatched building. The open structure blends perfectly in the surroundings and overlooks a lush colorful garden. It is in this cozy restaurant that your breakfast, delicious 2 course lunches and 4 course dinners will be served. Due to logistic reasons (quality products are difficult to het in the area and come from Kampala) we work with set menus. But if you inform us on time, it will be our pleasure to cater to your request and dietary requirements.

Chimpanzee trekking

The most favorite of Kibale’s walks embarks from the Kanyanchu Visitor center at 08.00 & 15.00 and lasts 2 to 3 hours. With over 95% chance of seeing the chimps, Kibale Forest is the best destination in the whole of East Africa for seeing the chimpanzees. Other primates like the Red-Colobus Monkeys, Mangabey spotted. On your track, the ranger will explain you more about the animals and plants species you encounter. Advance booking is all-important especially during peak season.

 Chimpanzee Habituation

A lifetime experience that allows you to accompany Kibale’s research and habituation team on their daily activities. You will spend a full day with the chimpanzees and witness them de-nesting, feeding, and playing… while getting first hand explanation of the experts. Prior bookings are a must as a special permit should be obtained.

Bigodi Wetland

Rich in biodiversity and beautiful scenery, the wetland is a birder’s paradise with about 138 species. Located outside the park in Magombe Swamp it hosts eight species of primates. The Walk is an initiative of the villagers of Bigodi. The revenues go towards community projects.

Children’s Forest Camp

This walk in the national park is specially designed for children who are too young to participate in the chimp tracking. While the parents enjoy their chimpanzee experience. The young ones will go for a forest walk and learn more about the ecosystem, followed by creative activities and games.

Night Walks

A one and a half to 2 hours walk through the forest in search of nocturnal forest residents like the bushbaby, potto, nightjar

Crater Lakes Exploration

The stretch between Fort Portal and Kibale Forest is known as the crater lakes region. Here you can simply enjoy the beauty of the numerous small lakes and the stunning views.


Apart from the Bigodi Wetland sanctuary, birding hikes can be organized in the National Park. Or through our private forest trail.. Of the 325 birds recorded in this national park, 6 species of birds are endemic to the Albertine Rift region.