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Rwenzori Mountains National Park

Rwenzori Mountains National Park

Rwenzori Mountains National Park it is located in Western Uganda along the Great East African Rift Valley. It straddles also to the Democratic Republic of Congo and its conservation area known as Virunga Conservation area. The mountain is the third highest in Africa rising up to more than 16,700 feet above sea level and its highest peaks rise above the clouds and they are permanently snow-capped.

The Rwenzori Mountains range higher compared to the Alps, they have glaciers which are one of the sources of the longest river on earth, the Nile River. Margherita Peak is the highest peak on the ranges making it the 3rd highest peak in Africa together with its twin peak, Mount Stanley which is within the park. The 4th and 5th highest peaks, Mount Speke and Mount Baker are also within the park. The mountain ranges were first brought to the world’s notice in CE 150 by Alexandrian geographical researcher and photographer, Pletomy when he described a stunning mountain which he christened “ The Mountains of the Moon.” Later in 1899, English explorer, Henry Marton Stanley was as spellbound as Pletomy when he beheld the ranges and christened them the “Clouds Mountains.”

The Rwenzori Mountains National Park which is the conservation area for the mountain is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and covers almost 1,000 sqkm and strides across the districts of Kabarole, Kasese and Bundibudgo. It includes most of the center and the eastern half of the mountain and its known for its beautiful plant life coupled with waterfalls, glaciers and a lot of other unique mountainous vegetation. The park has glaciers, snowfields, waterfalls and has been portrayed as one of the mainly attractive Alpine areas around the world.


Activities in Rwenzori Mountains National Park
Mountain climbing 

Rwenzori Mountain  an underrated gem largely undiscovered by many. The scenery on the mountain  called some of the most beautiful on the planet! Mountain Rwenzori is covered in different types of vegetation and climate which will leave you spellbound as you scale its heights. It will not be unlike climbing into heaven.

On the foothills of the mountain is farmland with crops. Such as coffee which is a very important cash crop in the country. From there you will behold beautiful land terrain and plant life of sub-montane vegetation in the Afro-montane zone. Covered by luxurious tropical evergreen forest with a high richness in color and species. When you finally reach the top, you will behold the majestic snowcapped peaks that will leave you breathless and teary-eyed.

Bird watching

Uganda as a nation is teeming with a richness in birdlife and the ranges are no different. The Rwenzori Park is a dwelling to 217 species of birds. And 17 of them  found in Rwenzori which justifies UNESCO labeling it a key Birding Area. At about 1800 meters, the variety will leave you captivated. Including the Handsome Francolin, Rwenzori Turaco, Long-eared Owl, Barred Long-tailed Cuckoo, Cinnamon-chested Bee-eater, Strange Weaver, Archers’ Robin-chat, Rwenzori Batis, White-starred Robin, Montane Sooty Boubou, Slender-billed Starling, Lagden’s Bush-Shrike, Blue-headed Sunbird, Barbets, Golden-winged Sunbird, Greenbuls, IIladopsis, Apalises, Crimson wings, and Flycatchers, Rwenzori Mountains National Park


You can also enjoy day hikes through the forests at the foothills as you enjoy unique activities like fishing with your hands in streams akin to Hugh Glass in the revenant.

Cultural Experience

You will have plenty of opportunities to witness the locals at the foothills of the mountain. Of the moon carrying out their cultural lifestyles and activities. Like cultural dances and if you are lucky, you might even get some lessons on drumming and dancing. You will also visit the Ruboni village where you will learn about the lifestyles of old of the forefathers of the mountains of the moon.

Lounging on the foothills 

After a tiring day of awe and wonder, you will be able to cool off in any of the scenic lodgings around the mountains of the moon. Take a soothing shower and behold the beautiful scenery. At night you will be able to hang out in the starlit night sky around a bonfire as you listen to tales of the mountains of the moon.


How to get to there

By Road, Rwenzori Mountains National Park is about 5 to 6 hours drive from Kampala.

By Air, Rwenzori Mountains National Park is about 1 hour from Entebbe International Airport or Kajansi Airfield.


Rwenzori Entry Gates 

Ruboni gate

Kilembe gate

Mihunga gate


Accommodations in Rwenzori Mountains National Park

Equator Snow Geo Lodge

Crater Safari Lodge

Rift Valley Game Lodge