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Kora National Park

Kora National Park

Kora National Park is located in the Northeastern region from Nairobi in Tana River County. It is considered the 3rd largest protected area in Kenya after the Tsavo National Park. Kora National Park and Meru National Park boarder each other forming the Northern boundary. It covers a total surface area of 1,787sqkm and it was first garzetted as a Reserve in 1973 but then later it was established as a National Park in 1990.

This park offers untouched wilderness dotted with tall inselbergs, hard rocks, shrubs and also domed hills that rise steeply from the surrounding areas and it is featured with Tana River marked with Adamson’s falls, Grand falls and also the Kora rapids. The Park gained its popularity due to the wild exploits of George and Joy Adamson with their friendly lioness, “Elsa.”

The Park has abundance of animals to be explored like Elephants, Caracals, Hippos, Cheetahs, Spotted Hyenas, Serval cats, Lions, Leopards, Striped Hyenas, Antelopes and many more. Also a one stop birding spot with various bird species like the Black-throated Barbet, Spot Flanked Barbet, Pel’s Fishing Owl, White-backed Night Heron, Eastern Yellow billed Hornbills, Orange-bellied Parrots, Busra Reed Warbler and Malindi Pipit among others.


Activities in Kora National Park

Kora National Park has a number of activities to offer to its visitors and they include;

Game Drives

Game drives in this Park awards Tourists with a variety of wildlife sightings and among the wildlife include; cheetahs, elephants, hippos, spotted hyenas, genets, striped hyenas, serval cats and antelopes among others. These game drives are done in different times of the day which are morning, full day and evening game drives, however, morning game drives are the most rewarding since the wildlife species are more active during this time of day and are easy to see.


Nature Walks

This involves taking a guided walk along the forest river lines and other surroundings within the park with an up-close interaction and a closer view of attractions, these trails offer Unique wildlife sightings in addition to the beautiful scenery in the  Park.



Birding  very rewarding since it has a variety of bird species and they include; Busra Reed Warbler, Malindi Pipit, Pel’s Fishing Owl, White-backed Night Heron, Eastern Yellow billed Hornbills among others.


Rock Climbing

One of the grateful places for those Tourists who enjoy Rock Climbing adventures. Visitors can climb up the Kora rock which is a place of Historical value where George Adamson would communicate out with the lions and they would as well respond to his call through roaring back and sometime they would gather around this rock.


When to Visit

Kora National Park visited any time of the year though the best time to visit is during the dry season in the months of June to September and also December to February.


How to Get to Kora National Park

Accessed by road and air transport;

By Road

Kora National Park can be accessed from Nairobi via Thika, Mwika and Kyuso villages.

By Air

Accessed through Kyethoni airstrip, Kampi ya simba airstrip and also Masanduku airstrip.


Kora Entry Gates

Kora National Park has a number of Entry gates and they include;

Adamson’s gate

Kaningo gate

Masyungwa gate


Accommodations in Kora National Park

These Accommodations range from Luxury and Mid-Range to Budget and they include;

Luxury Accommodations

Leopard rock lodge

Elsa’s kopje lodge


Mid-Range Accommodations

Meru guest house

Kinna guest house