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Family Safaris

Family Safari Holidays Africa

Family Safari Holiday Africa, Uganda, also known as the pearl of Africa is perhaps one of the most beautiful places on the African continent, and has the friendliest people too. The wilderness in this small country is very uncorrected, so if you are looking to experience authentic African wilderness, this is the country to visit.

It has beautiful natural scenery, plenty of wildlife such as lions, gorillas, chimpanzees, leopards, buffaloes, exotic birds, giraffes and so much more.

There are also plenty of exciting tourist activities such as bungee jumping, gorilla trekking, white water rafting and so many more. There is something for every member of your family.

And it is a whole new world for you and your children to experience. What your children usually only get to see on television, they will get to live and in real time. The scenic wonders in Uganda are another reason for a family safari in Uganda. Uganda has some very amazingly beautiful sights that you will enjoy visiting with your family, and taking some very awesome pictures to capture the memories. Family Safari Holiday Africa

There is the historic river Nile which is the longest river in Africa, the magnificent Murchison falls which is the most powerful waterfall in the world, the Rwenzori mountain ranges, which are taller than the alps, these are the tallest mountain ranges in Africa, the beautifully scenic Lake Bunyonyi which looks like a still from a movie scene, the Virunga volcanoes, the explosion craters that you will probably seen on national geographic and so much more.


How about all the negative and scary stories? and will my children be safe?

Many of the scary stories are myths; some are exaggerations of the fact. There have are stories about safaris in Uganda being dangerous and that you need a body guard everywhere you go. This is a myth. Uganda is actually one of the safest places on the African continent. Family Safari Holiday Africa

The hotels, lodges and tented camps you will be staying at will have very good security. And there are guides for your game drives, gorilla trekking, nature walks, bird watching, and any other activity you might want to enjoy.

Dangerous is definitely not the word that should come to mind when you think of a safari in Uganda. You should be thinking fun, and exciting. When planning for a safari whether it is family safari or a one man private safari especially where there are children involved. Safari companies like us take safety as a very serious issue.

Your children’s safety is important and we do our best to ensure it. There are well experienced and qualified guides and rangers for every activity be it a nature walk or a game drive. So the answer to whether your children will be safe is a definite yes.

There is very good accommodation, good food, laundry services, and good washrooms. You and your children will be very comfortable Another myth is that your children will be very bored. Uganda is an exciting place for people of all ages. There is something new for you and your children to enjoy at every turn. Family Safari Holiday Africa

And if you let the safari company you hire know, they will take your children’s hobbies and interests into consideration while designing an itinerary for you.  Depending on their ages there are various activities they can enjoy such as: guided nature walks, game drives, horseback riding safaris, cultural visits, hands on lessons in craft making, dancing, drumming, white water rafting and even gorilla trekking if they are above 15years.


What about the Food and Water?

Many people who have never been to Africa think their families will have to survive on strange food and drink. Well that is not the case, there is drinking water available, and normal decent food. There are various international dishes, and the local food is also amazing. There is soda, water and juice, and beers and wines. So your children will be fine, there is plenty of good food, and soft drinks for them in Uganda


Will my children get sick on a Uganda safari?

The disease people are usually worried about is malaria. The truth is Uganda is not a sea of mosquitoes and other insects waiting to get you sick. When you go out camping in west you take bug spray and repellant, same thing applies to mosquitoes in Uganda. Family Safari Holiday Africa

You can carry or buy mosquito repellent or talk to your doctor about other preventive measure. However chances of your children catching malaria during your safari in Uganda are very minimal. You can also get some advice from you tour operator.


How could my very young children possibly benefit from a Uganda safari trip?

Children are always looking to learn new things even when they are very young. Children are perhaps the most excited guests we receive, they are excited by everything they see and hear. They learn quite a lot during the time they spend watching television, and more and more children dream of seeing faraway places from the programs they watch,.

You could be surprised by how many children’s programs take your children on safaris to Africa. It would be a very exciting experience if they got to visit Africa for real. A Uganda safari will be learning and exploring experience for them.


What will my children do if the adults go gorilla trekking?

There are a number of things your children can do and enjoy while you and the other adults are off trekking gorillas or chimpanzees. They could go on forest walks with friendly well trained tour guides, who will show them a variety of interesting things in the forest from monkeys in the trees, to exotic birds, and exotic butterflies. Family Safari Holiday Africa

They could also go on nature walks, or village walks, still with guides. On the village walks they will get to see cultural activities like dance performances or learn a few new things like drumming on local drums.


Are there special clothes for children on safari?

Safari clothes for children are usually just miniature replicas of adult safari clothes. Just remember to keep the colours neutral and avoid shorts and short sleeved shirts on hikes. A wide brimmed hat for each child is also recommended and a good pair of light boots. Are there any vaccinations I should take note of, or some anti-malaria medication?

We recommend that you schedule a visit with your family doctor or a tropical clinic or travel clinic. These will give you advice on what vaccinations you need to have, and anti malaria regiments.


What about Passports and Visas?

You do need passports and visas for everyone in your travelling party. You ca get a tourism visa to Uganda at a low cost of 50 USD per person. We hope we have answered most if not all of your burning questions about bringing your children on a Uganda safari trip. Enjoy you time in the pearl of Africa. Family Safari Holiday Africa