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Safari in Uganda

Uganda also known as the Pearl of Africa named by john Speke.  During his trekking through the African continent.  Believed to have a population of 47.12 million with 80% still un-urbanized. This brings it to the front line for adventure filled safaris with a lot of things to do when in Uganda. Uganda Safari Tours abundant wildlife includes primates, animals, birds, culture, food, and water bodies.

Uganda has a total of 10 National Parks of which each park is unique with its inhabitants!, Bwindi and Mgahinga National park is known for the famous gentle giants the mountain Gorillas and whoever is interested to visit the Gorillas has to be booked through the wildlife authority. When you book your Gorilla Safari with Paradise Adventure Vacations, your tracking permit issued through us. You need to pay a fee of $700, provide your passport details then the rest sorted by us.

Mountain Gorillas in Uganda

Are a famous icon for the tourism sector, Uganda harbors about 459, and Gorilla families and sectors. Are distributed on availability by the governing body of Uganda wildlife authority. A typical Gorilla safari will take a minimum of three days, depending on where you are coming from. The first day is for traveling, the second is for tracking the Gorillas. And the last day traveling back to Kampala or Kigali.

Talking about another highlight of Uganda’s best attraction is the mighty Murchison falls National park. Which is located in the furthest of Northern Uganda. The park is seated on a vast ally of thickets, bushes and grasses. The park is a home of several animals like elephants, Giraffes, Birds, Hippos, lions, Uganda Safari Tours, leopards and much more. While on a safari in Murchison falls, you can have a hike to the top of the falls for a scenic view of a rainbow formed by the falls. When booking a trip to Murchison falls national park you can’t miss out on the Rhinos, the sanctuary that was formed as an introductory scheme for the extinct White and black Rhinos. The sanctuary also harbors a number of birds and a swamp walk that takes you to see a shoebill.

Uganda’s National Parks

In addition, Uganda’s National Parks all are unique with whatever inhabit, here nature brings you to Lake Mburo National park Famous and loud for zebras! We call this a zebra magnet, this park overs a range of activities from game viewing, boat cruise, birds, horse rides, guided park walks, and cycling. This is the nearest park from Kampala. It’s a 3 hours’ drive and it can be organized as an excursion best way to have a getaway.

Mt. Elgon National Park with the hiking challenge, this Mountain is famous for its flora, and visiting this place will remind you the dinosaur edge. At 4,000km2, Mt. Elgon has the largest volcanic base in the world located on the Kenya-Ugandan Border. The Mountain is home to over 300 species of birds, including the endangered Lammergeyer. The mammalian fauna of Mount Elgon is invisible and what is seen to hikers is the blue monkey and the white-black Columbus monkeys.

Why Uganda??

Uganda is well known for her friendliest people, when on a tour, you can’t fail to hear a bye Muzungu!!!! (Meaning bye a white person)! With smiles on these little angels,’ you can’t fail to drop your hand into your bad for a stick of lolly pop!  Besides its people, wrapping up it up with a diverse Ugandan culture so rich and adventurous! You won’t miss out on a Luwombo, sauce or food prepared in banana fibers. The most foods prepared in this way is G-nuts, meat, chicken, and Matooke. While on your safari to Uganda! You can’t miss out on these dishes.

Uganda has a second largest fresh water body, Lake Victoria, where a famous meal chips and tilapia is enjoyed. The water bodies are fresh and bilharzia free for swimming. Uganda has less water games besides the sunset and sun down boat cruises and game fishing here still exists a potential for investment, especially of Lake Victoria. To sum up all these, the will bring you to all of these things altogether. You will not want more from the untouched nature of Uganda’s beauty.

Best of Uganda Safari Tours